Saturday, November 29, 2008

Setting up a Christmas Tree

My mom wanted to decorate early for Christmas and make the house look nice before the family comes over for the holiday.  So i ended up putting together the Christmas tree.  I wish we had a real one but there are pros and cons between a real one and fake one and a fake one takes the cake.  Now setting up a tree can be complicated so let Brent walk you through it. (pretty bored while doing all the work.  Sorry if the pictures are huge and cut off.  The blogger upload thing is fuckin up so i ended up posting the code)

Step 1: Open Box

Step 2: Put on some music to keep you sane

Step 3: Sort out the millions of pieces

Step 4: Put the pieces together according to Letters and colors.  When you suck at expanding the branches, get your mom to do the job.

Step 5:  Repeat the process until everything is put together

Step 6: When you and your mom disagree with where the tree should be placed at, go to your room to end the conversation.

Lol no idea why i posted this but im pretty down for Christmas to roll through.  Dim Sum in like 7 hours! Good Morning!  But good night in my case.  Sleepy as hell. Peace


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