Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A week already?

Whaaat?  Its been a week since the last post already?  i seriously thought its only been a couple days but oh well.  I'm sure about only 3 people read this anyway.

Not much has happened over the week but ill do a little recap.
Thursday (11th) i hung out with someone who ive been wanting to hang out with for the longest time and finally went to the movies with her.  I'm sure she knows ive been interested for a while but the thing is that (supposedly) shes not and well yeah...thats a waste of my time.  Ive actually wasted my time with her on other occasions but felt that something can happen later.  But she would just play it off and it felt as if shes only hanging out with me because all her friends are out of the AV and she has nothing better to do.  I missed one of my classes for that shit and now i regret it.  Def not worth it and done trying to get with that girl.  I could have used those 3 hours of class i missed for a good night boarding sesh lol.  Now i got to show up everyday.

After that i just chilled with a few friends at another friends house.  I normally would be someone that would just chill at peoples houses but i was bored and felt kinda out of place and wanted to leave early.  
Let me give you an example why i sometimes hate driving. 
I'm the driver and want to leave but the passengers don't want to leave (even if they say "yeah ill leave when you leave") and they end up lagging and stay at some place.  I say let's go and they would try to ignore me or say yeah lets go...they stand up then sit back down.  Makes me mad.  Its usually the reason why i like to drive somewhere by myself.  There's so many incidents that something like that happens.  Not only with driving but other things i dont really want to get into.  I just feel like i get taken advantage of sometimes and you know what?.....FUCK THAT

Friday a bunch of us went to the bowling alley and that was just chill.  It makes me think though.  Theres been countless times ive been to the bowling alley with people and i re-realized that there ain't shit to do in Palmdale.  I'd say theres only 3 things to do in Palmdale and thats 1. Movies, 2. Someones house, 3. Bowling.  Mall isn't on that list because its wack and not much people go there as much anymore IMO.  I guess what im saying is that there needs to be something new to do and im sure im speaking for all Palmdalians haha.

Saturday woke up early to drive down to Chatsworth to help my sister and her husband move out of the apartment and into the new pad in Sunland.  Took a good couple hours to get everything into the U-haul and had Dim-Sum in between.  I missed having that and that definitely soothed my craving.  After that it was off to Fil's house so we could roll out to a bar for our cousin's birthday.   We didn't know it was a bar bar at first but supposedly they werent carding so we rolled over there and pre partied a little and by the time we arrived i was pretty blown.  When i tried getting in they carded me and nope no entry there.  Then i guess my cousin worked something out and i got in and was 21 for the night.  I didn't really take advantage of that though.  Im someone that does not ever want to be drunk n lifted at the same time again. It usually ends in horrible vomiting which i never like doing haha.  The 2 patron shots and beer killed me but luckily no yacking.  

Remember when i said i dont want to be passive and be more aggressive? (i think i said that lol). Well if not then im saying that now.  It's a hard process for me.  Sometimes i just dont even know that im being passive about shit.  I'm just being me.  So get this...
Theres this asshole in the library bathroom who, by the smell of the room, took a mad nasty ass shit.  That was real foul smelling and one of the worst ive ever smelt a bathroom haha.  Anyway, as i was coming in he starts heading out and says something on his way out.  I thought he was talking to himself so i didnt really think about it.  I come in and do my thing and see that this fool didnt turn off the water.  So i washed my hands on that faucet since it was already on and turned it off when i was through.  Then after that i thought about what that guy could of said and found out (from the way the words sounded) he said "Don't forget to turn off the water".  Well i couldnt have done anything after that. i already turned the water off and i felt punked.  Fuck you guy whoever you are (and your mad ass shit smell where i almost yacked)! Next time im gonna listen to bitches next time and do something else than ignore them.

One more quick note.  I know by reading all these posts i have a lot of negative attitudes about things like life but thats just how things happen to me.  It's not my mind thats creating the negativity.  I feel like Eugene from Hey Arnold!  The jinx where everything always happens to him when he's just trying to live his life.

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